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3-5: Forests and
Short Summaries of Recent Research
Amazonian Deforestation Rate Continues to
- Contributions of Fires to
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels
- Amazonian Rainforests, Even Undisturbed by
Humans, are Undergoing Change.
- Amazon Fires Cause Changes in Cloud
Droplet Formation and Stratospheric Water and Particulate
- Leaves Fall Off and Decay, but What do Roots
- Nitrogen for Enhanced Biosphere Uptake of
- Loss
of Soil Carbon in a Warmer Climate
- Synergistic
Effects of CO2 and O3
- Contribution of Major Wildfires to
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Regulation of development and deforestation in Amazonia
Deforestation raised cloud base.
Importance of Maintaining Resilience in Ecosysems
Seed Germination.
Boreal Forest Area as a Source of Carbon Dioxide
New Species Created at Rainforest Margins
Additional References
- Jackson, R.B., and Co-Authors, 2005: Trading water for carbon
with biological carbon sequestration. Science, 310, 1944-1947.
- Guyette, R.P., and M.C. Stambaugh, 2004: Ancient oak climate
proxies from the agricultural heartland. EOS, 85, 483.
- Pierce, J.L., G.A. Meyer, and A.J.T. Jull, 2004: Fire-induced
erosion and millennial-scale climate change in northern ponderosa
pine forests. Nature, 432, 87-90.
- Whitlock, C., 2004: Forests, fires and climate. Nature, 432,
- Jacobson, M.Z., 2004: The short-term cooling but long-term
global warming due to biomass burning. J. Climate, 17,
- Westerling, A. L., and T. W. Swetnam, 2003: Interannual
to decadal drougth and wildfire in the western United States.
EOS, 84, 545.
- Hetherington, A. M., and F. I. Woodward, 2003: The role of stomata
in sensing and driving environmental change. Nature, 424,
- Aber, J., R. P.
Neilson, S. McNulty, J. M. Lenihan, D. Bachelet, and R. J. Drapek, 2001:
Processes and Global Environmental Changes: Predicting the Effects of
Individual and Multiple Stressors. BioScience, 51,
- Brook, B. W., N. S.
Sodhi, and P. K. L. Ng, 2003: Catastrophic extinctions follow
deforestation in Singapore. Nature, 424,
- Clark, J. S., and J. S. McLachlan, 2003: Stability of
forest biodiversity. Nature, 423, 635-638.
- McDowell, N., 2002: Developing countries to gain from carbon-trading
fund. Nature, 420, 4.
- Jackson, R.B., J.L.Banner, E. B. Jobbagy, W.T. Pockman, and D.H.Wall, 2002: Ecosystem carbon loss
with woody plant invasion of grasslands. Nature, 418, 623-626.
- Warren, M. S., J. K. Hill, J. A. Thomas, J. Asher, R. Fox, B.
Huntley, D. B. Roy, M. G. Teifer, S. Jeffcoate, P. Harding, B.
Jeffcoate, S. G. Willis, J.N Greatorex-Davies, D. Moss, and C. D.
Thomas, 2001: Rapid responses of British butterflies to opposing
forces of climate and habitat change. Nature, 414, 65-69.
- Chambers, J.Q., N. Higuchi, E.S. Tribuzy, and S.E. Trumbore, 2001: Carbon sink for a
century.Nature, 410, 429.
- Laurance, W. F., M. A. Cochrane, S. Bergen, P. M. Fearnside, P. Delamonica, C. Barber, S. D'
Angelo, and T. Fernandes, 2001: The future of the Brazilian Amazon.
Science, 291, 438-439
- MacDonald, N. W., D. L. Randlett, and D. R. Zak, 1999:
Soil warming and carbon loss from a Lake State Spodosol. Soil Sci.
Soc. Am. J., 63, 823-828.
- Winnet, Steven M., 1998: Potential effects of climate change on
US forests: a review. Climate Research, 11, 39-49.
- Cash, J. H. C., and C. A. Nobre, 1997: Some results from ABRACOS.
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 78, 823-828
- Omasa, K., K. Kai, H. Taoda, Z. Uchijima, and M. Yoshino, 1996: Climate
Change and Plants in East Asia. Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 215 pp.
- Keeley, Jon E. and C. J. Fotheringham, 1997:
Trace Gas Emissions and Smoke-Induced
Seed Germination. Science, 276, 1248-1250.
- Vitousek, P.M., 1991: Can Planted Forests Counteract Increasing
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide? Journal of Environmental Quality,
20, 348-354.
- Shukla, J., C. Nobre, and P. Sellers, 1990: Amazon
Deforestation and Climate Change. Science, 247, 1322-1325.
- Williams, M., 2003: Deforesting the Earth - from Prehistory to Global
Crisis. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 715 pp.
- Myre, G. and A. Myre, 2003: Uncertainties in Radiative Forcing Due to
Surface Albedo Changes Caused by Land-use Changes. J. Climate,
16, 1511-1524.
Forests and other wooded lands, technical atlas, from the
World Food Summit
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