3-10: Impact of Global Change on Water
Resources and Water Use
Short Summaries of Recent Research
Mountain Snowpack Melting Earlier
in the Western US
- Changes in
Global Water Cycle
- Antarctic Ice Accelerating Toward the
- Climate Change in the Western US Leads to
Less Snow and Earlier Snowmelt
- Greenland Ice Sheet Meltdown
- Extreme Rainfall and Flood Risk in
- Water Contamination by
Medical Drugs
- Global
Water Crisis Increases
More Flooding in a Drier Climate
- State by State Estimates of Climate
Change Impacts
Dead Zones
- Scientists
Find Climate Change is Major Factor in Drought's Growing Reach
- Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change
- Domestic Water Consumption
Global freshwater
- Freshwater stress: current population at
CIESIN Thematic Guides: Freshwater Resources.
- National
Climatic Data Center
Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment(GEWEX) Home Page
Water Resources Information
- Global Change on
Water Resources
Additional References
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