Surface Pressure

Surface Pressure

In Figure 1 of this summary information, the column labeled Po gives the surface pressure for each of the bodies. Note that Mars, the smallest of the planets listed and having an escape velocity of only about 5 km/s, has almost no atmosphere. Most of the atmospheric gases from Mars have been able to escape, with the predominant remaining gas being carbon dioxide. Earth, on the other hand, has a CO2 concentration of only 3.60 x 10-4, or about 360 molecules per million total atmospheric molecules (parts per million by volume, or ppmv).

It is noteworthy that the earth is unusual because it is the only planet that has a substantial amount of oxygen in its atmosphere. Venus and Mars have trace amounts, but Earth has a remarkable amount of oxygen and nitrogen.

PREVIOUS: Total Atmospheric Mass

NEXT: Four Stages of the Earth's Atmosphere