Total Atmospheric Mass

Total Atmospheric Mass

Figure 2 gives a listing of the fractional contribution of each of several gases to the total atmospheric mass of each body. Comparison of these two tables explains why Venus, Earth, and Mars, with their low escape velocities, have very low concentrations of lighter elements. We don't expect to find, and we don't find, very much hydrogen or helium on Venus, Earth, or Mars because these light elements have relatively high probable velocities in relation to the escape velocities for these planets and there are no sources of light elements on these planets. For more massive molecules, lower most probable velocities mean that escape is less likely, For instance, for CO2 (M=44) at the effective temperature of the earth, Vo (CO2) = 310 m/s or 0.31 km/s. The time for carbon dioxide to leave the planet is long compared to the age of the earth, which is about 4-5 billion years.

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