2-4: Enhanced Greenhouse Climate, Transient Climate Simulations

Figure 1 - Summary of transient CO2 experiments with coupled ocean-atmosphere GCMs

Figure 2 - Global Mean Surface Air Temperature

Figure 3 - Surface Air Warming

Figure 4 - Sea Ice

Figure 5 - Sea Level Rise

Figure 6 - Sea Level Rise

Figure 7 - Impact of Increased CO2 on Ocean Circulation

Figure 8 - Percent Reduction in June-August Soil Moisture

Figure 9 - July Termperature for Southeastern U.S.

Figure 10 - July Heat Index for Southeastern U.S.

Figure 11 - The Climate Impacts LINK Project

Figure 12 - Modelled global mean temperature time-series for HadCM2CON, HadCM2GHG and HadCM2SUL

Figure 13 - Annual Temperature Change

Figure 14 - Annual Precipitation Change

Figure 15 - Average annual precipitation over the tropical Pacific Ocean. (Adapted from R. C. Taylor, 1973: An Atlas of Pacific Islands Rainfall, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, 1973)

Figure 16 - Flow lines for ocean circulation (Adapted from Stommel, H. Deep Sea Research, 1958)

Figure 17 - Predicted temps, based on greenhouse gases, versus observed.

Figure 18 - PCM Ensembles

Related Class Images

Results from coupled atmosphere-ocean models transient simulation. IPCC 1992.

Change in surface air temperature near time of CO2 doubling. IPCC 1992.

GFDL transient model. IPCC, 1992.

Regions of increased precipitation tend to be ocean areas. IPCC 1992.

Time-dependent temperature response vs. equilibrium temperature response. IPCC 1992.

Decadal surface temperature anomolies. IPCC 1992.


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