Writer or publisher


Thank you for visiting our site. We invite you to look through our materials and give us your opinions on their usefulness for your purposes. Numerous writers have contacted us and we have supplied tailored materials on global change issues.


Scan the Unit Topics to see the range of topics covered in this course. By going to each unit individually, you will see a variety of resources relating to each topic. Let us know if we can provide you with materials relating to global environmental change.

Many of the materials found on our website are useable in writing for the public press or for more general audiences. Some examples of editorials and presentations for general audiences are:

Global warming is here and we need to do something about it

Where's The Beef? (Providing beef for China)

Fueling and Feeding an Advancing China: A Global Environmental Challenge

Again, thank you for visiting our site. We hope your visit was pleasant and that you accomplished your purpose for stopping by.

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Contact us at gcp@iastate.edu