Electronic Dialog

Spring 1996

The Global Change Course Database is an interactive, electronic pre-print database with the purpose of allowing remote users to input and access current discussion on Global Change topics and issues. The electronic dialog from the Spring class of 1995 is also archived and available for you to view.

Overview/General Information on Global Change

Atmospheric Structure and Circulation Atmospheric Chemistry: Global Energy Balance, Radiative Forcing
Internal and External Influences
Modeling Climate: Observe Climate Change: global warming update, climate variability
Ocean structure and circulation
Climate Variability (El Nino, La Nina)
Mission to Planet Earth, observing global change from satellites
Global hydrological cycle
Remote sensing the earth system

Hydrological aspects of global change
Sea-level rise
Population trends and controlling factors

Energy consumption

Human health
Plant physiological effects of a changing environment
Vegetation responses to a changing environment
Land use issues
Implications of global change for agriculture
Sustainable agriculture
Forestry issues
Environmental economics
Sustainable development
Societal responses and consequences
Environmental sociology

Global change and urbanization
Legislation and policy issues: state, national and international

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