Portfolio Personal Page Welcome to the visitor's access to the electronic portfolio! You are free to look at contents of this portfolio. Keep in mind that some content information may not be available due to server security. I welcome any feedback you have to offer; just send me an email at kstcroix@iastate.edu.

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User ID number: 020
Group Number: 0

Instructor: Dr. Eugene TakleTeaching assistant: Kathryn St.Croix
Email: gstakle@iastate.eduEmail: kstcroix@iastate.edu
Office: 3010 Agronomy Office: 3019 Agronomy
Hours: MWF 2-4 pmHours: by appointment

Message of the day

Read previous "Messages of the Day."

30 April 1998

Great News! I have compiled past exam questions into one HTML file for you! Use these questions to help you in preparing for the final exam. Keep in mind that the exam will not have as many questions nor cover all the topics represented by the sample questions. Also note: the questions are from past courses and may cover topics not presented in this year's course. Click here to access the Example Exam Questions for Global Change Course.

Several items to note:

  1. Quizzes for units 3-10 and 3-12 are now available. They are due on Monday, May 4th.
  2. The scoring for summaries should now be accurate. Please let me know if there are any problems.
  3. There are now 9 quizzes available for block 3.
  4. The self-assessment essay for Block 3 is now ready. Note the new due date is Monday, May 4th.

Class did not meet on Monday April 27. The reading assignment (and basis for the quiz, which will be available soon) from the web was as follows:

  1. Ciesin Thematic Guide: Land Degradation and Desertification
  2. Prehistoric Farming Devastating Soil Erosion
  3. Archeology: Lesson of Future Soil Use
All are available in full on the web under Unit 3-10 Land Use. Numbers 2 and 3 are accessible from 1.

Note: The quiz for unit 3-9 is mistitled. The quiz should read "China" instead of "Environment." My apologies for the error.

The grading for dialog in blocks 2 and 3 is now working. I have graded your essays and ethical questions for block 2.

If you have questions, contact me at mtaber@iastate.edu

Mike Taber
30 April 1998

Use the menu-bar below for navigating through the course materials.

Class Preparation

Before each class, you should visit the learning unit home pages, available from the course schedule. Read the materials provided in the "Class Preparation" section. This includes taking the quizzes (when available).

Table of Contents

Final Exam Score43/90

Clicking on the assignment will link you to the assignment page.

Portfolio Assessment for Block 1
Due Dates Points Possible Points Earned View Contents and Instructor Comments

Public does not have access to data in this column.

Public Documents
First electronic submission: biographical sketch January 14 No points No points View my biography View other student biographies
First Block 1 submission on self-assessment January 16 5 5 View my self-assessment essay and journal contents Not available
Learning unit quizzes.

1) First access the unit home pages, then read the learning unit and/or accompanying material.
2) Take the quiz.

Access learning unit home pages (will launch a new window)

For block 1, quizzes are due 16 February 3 points each
42 total points
15 View all quizzes taken Not available
General discussion on unit topics

Each class 45 14

Class discussion summary Variable 10 20 View my summary(s) View other student summaries
Review paper of a journal article on atmospheric chemistry
(404 students only)
Submit your topic
Submit your paper
Topic Due: February 2
Paper due: February 9
40 35 View my paper
View instructor comments
View topics submitted by other students
Ethical discussion: $3.00/gallon for gasoline February 16 10 No recorded grade View my posting
View instructor comments (if available)
View other student postings
Final Block 1 submission on self-assessment essay February 16 35 38 View my final self-assessment essay
View instructor comments
Not available
Sub-total 187 Not yet available

Portfolio Assessment for Block 2
Due Dates Points Possible Points Earned View Contents and Instructor Comments Public Documents
First Block 2 submission on self-assessment February 23 5 0 View my self-assessment essay Not available
Learning unit quizzes.

1) First access the unit home pages, then read the learning unit and/or accompanying material.
2) Take the quiz.

Access learning unit home pages (will launch a new window)
Variable; check each quiz 39 8 View all quizzes taken Not available
General discussion on unit topics

Each class 45 0

Class discussion summary Variable 10 0 View my summary(s) View other student summaries
Block 2 discussion topic: Pinball 13 March 45 25 View my assignment
View instructor comments
Not available
Review paper of a journal article on climate modeling or climate change
Submit your topic
Submit your paper
Topic Due: March 16
Paper due: March 27
40 No recorded grade View my paper
View instructor comments
View topics submitted by other students
Ethical discussion: Monitoring global environment April 1 10 No recorded grade View my posting
View instructor comments (if available)
View other student postings
Final Block 2 submission on self-assessment essay April 1 35 No recorded grade View my self-assessment essay
View instructor comments
Not available
Sub-total 229 Not yet available

Portfolio Assessment for Block 3
Due Dates Points Possible Points Earned View Contents and Instructor Comments Public Documents
First Block 3 submission on self-assessment April 8 5 0 View my self-assessment essay Not available
Learning unit quizzes.

1) First access the unit home pages, then read the learning unit and/or accompanying material.
2) Take the quiz.

Access learning unit home pages (will launch a new window)
Variable - check quiz for due date 30 11 View all quizzes taken Not available
General discussion on unit topics

Each class 45 0

Class discussion summary Variable 10 10 View my summary(s) View other student summaries
Block 3 discussion topic: Kyoto accord on CO2 reductions May 1 10 1 View my assignment Not available
Ethical discussion: Preservation of the planet May 1 10 No recorded grade View my posting
View instructor comments (if available)
View other student postings
Final Block 3 submission on self-assessment essay May 4 35 33 View my self-assessment essay
View instructor comments
Not available
Sub-total 145 Not yet available

Summary of Block Points
BlockPoints PossiblePoints Earned
1 187 Not yet available
2 229 Not yet available
3 145 Not yet available
Final Exam (Date to be announced) 90 Not yet available
Total 651 Not yet available