Personal Home Page for: mjohnson

Instructor: Dr. Eugene Takle
Office: 3010 Agronomy
Assistant: Mike Taber
Office: 3010 Agronomy

File last updated: Feb 19 10:47
Message of the Day
I use this space for informing students of newly added features, updates and latest press releases.
Click here for old news before February 11, 1997.

Sample questions for the upcoming exam are now available on ClassNet. Choose "Blk1: Self Test" to see sample questions. Remember, this is not a graded assignment.

We have some latest news releases, in particular, information about the latest cracks in the Antarctic ice shelf. See the latest news release page for additional information.

Also, Warren Dolphin in Biology wanted us to make this announcement: I would appreciate your mentioning in your class that there are some openings left for the Biology field trip to Costa Rica to be taken May 10 through 24. We will visit pristine rain forests, cloud forests in the mountains, and the beaches on the Pacific coast under the guidance of English-speaking biologists from the faculty of the University of Costa Rica. Students interested in the trip should contact me immediately by E-mail at wdolphin or by phone at 294-8595. Cost for the trip is estimated at $1,600, including airfare. Students will receive 1 credit in Biology 394 for a pre-trip seminar and 2 credits for the trip. Students who took the trip last year felt that it was the experience of a lifetime.

Table of Contents

Portfolio Assessment for Block 1
Assignments Due Dates Standards Points Possible
Unacceptable Standards Acceptable Standards
Informal Internet discussion on lecture topics Electronic dialog homepage
or access each discussion page from lecture pages
February 17 Minimum 5 entries 5
Responded to at least 2 other students 5
Received at least on response from another student 5
Post-lecture activity 1:1 Overview lecture January 15 No response made; repeat of someone else's response Temperature comparison reported as requested 7
Post-lecture activity 1:2 Evolution of the Earth's atmosphere January 17 No discussion of cloud movement, or incorrect direction described Correct recognition of different directions of movement at different locations 8
Web discussion of ethical issue Block 1:$3.00/gallon for gasoline February 17 Restates someone else's position; shallow thinking, idea unrelated to topic; disrespectful of other views Presents an idea not already given; reveals senior-level thinking; promotes discussion; respects other views 5
Web discussion of block topic Block 1:Iron solution February 17 Restates someone else's position; shallow thinking, idea unrelated to topic; disrespectful of other views Presents an idea not already given; reveals senior-level thinking; promotes discussion; respects other views 10
Review paper of a journal article Submit paper topic on Atmospheric chemistry February 3 Reference is from a secondary, unrefereed source Reference is from a primary, refereed source No points
Submit paper on Atmospheric chemistry February 10
Relying on information from course text or unrefereed source Summary of a refereed paper; indicates student originality 5
Not presenting material beyond that presented in class Demonstrates senior-level library research; synthesizes article with class materials 4
Paper consists of phrases cut from journal article Paper demonstrates senior-level analysis and interpretation of research results 4
Lacking organization (no headings or paragraph divisions, lack of continuity) Well organized; paper flows nicely 4
Having numerous grammatical mistakes Few or no grammatical mistakes 4
Having numerous misspellings Few or no misspellings 4
Sub-total points for paper 25
Exam 1 30
Total points for block 100

Return to the top of the page

Completed Work

In this section, the electronic submissions are appended. Students can see the work they have accomplished and view "In Response to" comments from other students, world experts and the instructor. The next version will allow students to re-work assignments which do not meet the standards or are unsatisfactory to the student.
Name: Matthew Johnson
Response to: Mike Tannura (

One of the newest trends the Midwest has found itself in (according to a Missouri researcher I do believe) is the fact that we may be entering into a little ice age for the next fifteen to twenty years, due to changing jet streams and other changing upper air patterns. Whether or not this is caused by global warming, who knows (as of yet). But maybe this is one of the possibilities of average global warming--relatively small areas of localized cooling.

Name: Johnny Burkhart
Response to: Matt Johnson

Concerning the little ice age events:

My understanding is that these little ice age events are represented by periods of global cooling and warming during a large scale glaciation. For example, the events which led to the formation of the Bemis, Altimont, and Algona moraines here in Iowa along the Des Moines lobe. Can these events of cooling be localized or must they be global short period trends?

For all:

Does it not seem odd that there is evidence that we are possibly entering a "little ice age" while everyone is talking about global warming?
Name: Matthew T. Johnson
Response to: Michael T. Robert (mikebob)

The basics (extremely brief version) to High and Low development center around divergence and convergence of air in the upper and lower atmosphere, this figure should help.

When air converges in the lower troposphere, (or diverges in the upper atmosphere) Vertical motion results and reduces surface pressure. Forming a low at the surface.

The reverse is true in the situation of High pressure.

Now, what causes air convergence and divergence, well, obviously the wind flow in the upper atmosphere (the jet streams at approximately 250 - 200 millibars (mb). And also the 500 mb flow. And these large scale flows are ultimately driven by temperature gradients.

Orographic features can also play a role in cyclogenesis. When air streams traverse the Rocky mountains from west to east conservation of momentum (angular, and vorticity (spin of the air)) will produce a low pressure center east of the Rockies. The lows produced in this matter often eventually travel through Iowa.
Doc Title: Analysis of bovine methane emissions

First Name: Matthew
Last Name: Johnson
Title: undergraduate
Affiliation: ISU

Analysis of bovine methane emissions
Meteor/Env St/Agron 404/504 2/10/97

Agricultural sources of atmospheric methane compromise a large portion of the annual methane budget. Within these sources, cattle serve as one of the major contributors (the numerics of which are highly disputable). Two distinct processes account for the release of methane from cattle: The first being as a byproduct of ruminant digestion and the second being methane emissions from excreta. Thorough understanding of these processes is necessary if a reduction in methane production rates is to be accomplished.

Looking at ruminant digestion first, the typical beef and dairy cow each produce about 60 to 71 kg and 109 to 126 kg of methane annually (Johnson, 1995). Equivalently, these figures translate into an average of approximately 6% of the animals gross energy intake (GEI) is used to produce methane (Johnson, 1995). The goal of much nutrition research is to reduce this number which subsequently decrease methane emissions while increasing nutrition efficiency. Multiple factors contribute to ruminant methane production but two principle mechanism are responsible for most methane production variance. First, the magnitude and type of carbohydrates fermented in the reticulorumen plays a vital role and second, the production ratio of propionic acid to acetic acid is a principal indicator of total methane production.

The carbohydrates ingested by an animal will affect methane production. As the carbohydrate fraction of any fiber or starch is increased, methane production will decrease. Thus, feedstuffs such as beetpulp tend to reduce methane emissions and subsequently the percent of GEI used to produce methane. Another method of reducing methane emissions is to increase the percentage of grain in the animal's diet. U.S. feedlots commonly feed a 90% grain ration, yet the percent of GEI consumed by methane production falls to 3 to 4%, which translates into methane emission rate decreases.

Additional methods which decrease methane emissions include pelleting and grinding forages. This process can lead up to a 40% reduction in methane production (Johnson, 1995). The addition of lipids to an animal's diet also can lead to a reduction in methane production, typically a 29% decrease in methane production results from lipid addition to feedstuffs. Similar results occur with ionophore addition to feedstuffs. Alteration of ruminal microbes can lead to a 50% reduction in methane emissions, however, obtaining results this encouraging requires a specialized situation, namely the animal must be on a barley diet with a defaunation of the rumen (Johnson, 1995).

The second bovine-based methane source is excreta, of which the magnitude released is considerable lower than aructated methane. In a U.K. study of a 165 head dairy operation, the average animal generated 105 kg CH4 annually through ruminant processes versus 0.22 kg CH4 annually from excreta (Jarvis, 1995).

Jarvis, Lovell, and Panayides calculated methane emission rates from dung collected from various animals including dairy and beef cattle. Dung pats representative in volume and area of soil coverage to actual dung piles were placed in air tight containers and 10 ml samples of the air were periodically removed from the containers through a syringe and Suba seal and then analyzed with a gas chromatograph.

Results indicate that methane emission is usually highest immediately after deposition and decreases to insignificant levels after ten days. Total emissions from a single pat average 1702 mg CH4m-2 for a grazing dairy cow foraging upon grasses and clover. Pats originating from a housed dairy cow being fed a silage and concentrates ration averaged 716 mg CH4m-2 .

Thus suggesting the possibility of dietary implications upon methane emissions. A study by Lodman et. al. revealed that methane emissions per kg of dung were 7.5 times higher when animals were fed a high grain ration (Jarvis, 1995). Note, the increase in methane emissions from the dung pat does not counter the decrease in aructated methane when grain intake is increased due to the relative magnitudes of the average emission rates.

Methane emission rate decreases from cattle are possible, and with dung methane emissions being approximately only 0.2% of all bovine generated methane, it becomes obvious that decreases in aructated methane are likely to yield greater decreases in total methane emissions from cattle.


Jarvis, S. C., R. D. Lovell and R. Panayides, 1995: Patterns of methane emission from excreta of grazing animals. Soil. Biol. Biochem., 27(12), 1581-1588.

Johnson, K. A. and D. E. Johnson, 1995: Methane emissions from cattle. J. Anim. Sci., 73, 2483-2492.

Name: Gene Takle
email: gstakle
Response to: M. Johnson (mjohnson)

I am testing the assessment page on the
instructor portfolio. Your grade on the
first paper was 25/25. Good work!!

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