University instructor outside Iowa State University

Thank you for exploring our web site. We would appreciate hearing of your reaction to our course materials. Scan the schedule of lectures to see the range of topics covered in this course. By going to each lecture individually, you will see a variety of resources relating to the lecture topic.

If you are exploring our site to acquire information for a course at your university, we will appreciate an e-mail message indicating what you find to be particularly useful. If you are establishing a web site for your course, send us the URL so we can view your materials.

You might be interested in seeing how students have responded to this kind of course. We have put on our site the summary of student responses to a questionnaire in Spring 1995, Spring 1996, and Spring 1997. We also have written a few articles on our experience with instruction on the Internet. These papers are listed below, and some are accessible over the net.

Other Web Materials
You also might like to take a look at another web-based meteorology course activity available at Iowa State University. Dr. Douglas Yarger has developed a weather forecasting exercise that is available to anyone on the internet. To view this site and assess your skill, or have your students test theirs, at weather forecasting, check out the following URL:

We call your attention to an internet tool developed at Iowa State University for management of assignments for large classes. This tool, developed by Peter Boysen, is freely available URL: You are welcome to contact Pete and use this for your class.

We are seeking innovative collaborations with faculty from other universities for sharing course information or whole courses. For instance, if your university does not have a course like ours but your department would like to offer some such material, we are open to the possibility that we could collaborate to make ours available to your students. Your students could participate in the electronic dialog with ours and submit assignments like ours. Under this scenario, we would ask you to administer the midterm and final examination and return them to us. If there is sufficient interest (and potential student volume) we will explore the financial arrangements with our administration.

We invite you to scan the materials of the course and then stop back to this page and answer a few questions. Your answers are completely anonymous and do not require you to reveal your identity, but they will help us meet the needs of our visitors.

Please Check those items (maybe more than one) that describe you:

University instructor outside Iowa State University Click to submit your survey
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If you are a faculty member at a college or university outside the United States, click HERE for additional information relating to your connection with this course.

Again, thank you for visiting our site. We hope your visit was pleasant and that you accomplished your purpose for stopping by.

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