Coupled Models
Some examples of results from equilibrium simulations of a doubled CO2
climate will now be described. Figure 6 gives results for
coupled models that use a "mixed layer" (shallow ocean of constant
temperature and salinity in the vertical direction). The right-hand-most
column gives the global mean temperature change and precipitation change
projected by the simulation of a doubling of atmospheric CO2 . Note that the
temperatures projected for a doubling of CO2 are all positive (warming
rather than cooling) and range from 1.9o C to 5.2oC
with a mean value of 3.7oC. Similarly, all models report precipitation increases
ranging from 3 to 15% with a mean of 8.7%. Figure 7 gives
some of the most recent results from longer runs (see length of run given in right-hand column).
Changes in temperature and precipitation from a CO2 doubling are comparable
to the previous table.
Maps showing the global distribution of changes in temperature, precipitation, and soil moisture for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 are given in the following series of colored charts. These are from high-resolution models from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and the United Kingdom Meteorological Office, respectively.