International Deployment of Satellites

International Deployment of Satellites

Several countries now have satellites in operation (Conway et al, 1997). Russia operates a series of polar orbiting satellites known as Sich/OKEAN (with the Ukraine), the METEOR series, Resors, and MIR -Priroda. Russia also operates a geostationary satellite known as GOMS that transmits infrared images and standard weather maps. China operates the Feng Yun polar orbiter that transmits imagery (pictures) from both visible and infrared sensors. Japan operates the geostationary meteorological satellite (GMS) with provides visible and infrared images over the western Pacific Ocean, East Asia, and Australia. Japan also has a Marine Observation Satellite (MOS) and, jointly with the US, measures rainfall remotely with the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). The Indian government operates a geostationary satellite providing distribution of weather maps. The METEOSAT series of geostationary satellites operated by the European Space Agency provides imagery and weather map distribution over Europe and Africa. The European Space Agency also have the ERS series and Envisat. Numerous other countries now also operate satellites for weather forecasting and other purposes.

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