Science Missions for Studying Planet Earth

Science Missions for Studying Planet Earth

NASA's Science Mission involves a variety of satellite and satellite sensors. Satellites presently in operation for studying the Earth and influences on Earth due to the sun and other sources outside Earth are listed under Earth-Sun Missions.

Current (2006) satellites used for global change studies include ACRIMSAT, Aqua, Aura, CHAMP, GOES-M, GRACE, IceSAT, Jason-1, Landsat 7, NMP EO-1, NOAA-M, SAGE-3, Sec Winds (ADEOS-11), SORCE, Terra, TOMS-EP, and TRMM. Numerous future missions of NASA promise even better measurements of atmospheric, surface, and subsurface variables of importance to global change.

PREVIOUS: International Deployment of Satellites
