Class List
Fall 2008
Chem 177 - General Chemistry
Chem 177L - General Chemistry Lab
Math 165 - Calculus I (Tested out)
Math 166 - Calculus II
Mteor 111 - Synoptic Applications in Meteorology
Mteor 206 - Introduction to Meteorology
Engl 150 - Critical Thinking and Communication (Tested out)
Engl 250 - Written, Oral, and Electronic Composition
Lib 160 - Library Instruction
Math 265 - Calculus III (Multivariate Calculus)
Phys 221 - Introduction to Classical Physics I (with Lab)
Pol S 241 - Intro to Comparative Government and Politics
Fall 2009
Hist 221 - Survey of U.S. History I
Math 267 - Differential Equations (with Transformations)
Mteor 201 - Introductory Seminar
Mteor 227 - Computational Meteorology I
Phys 222 - Introduction to Classical Physics II (with Lab)
Spring 2010
Com S 227 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programing
Hist 222 - Survey of U.S. History II
Mteor 301 - General Meteorology
Pol S 215 - Introduction to American Government
Sp CM 212 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Fall 2010
Mteor 265 - Scientific Balloon Engineering
Mteor 311 - Introduction to Synoptic Meteorology
Mteor 341 - Atmospheric Physics I
Mteor 406 - World Climates
Pol S 310 - State and Local Government
Stat 105 - Introduction to Statistics for Engineers
Spring 2011
Engl 309 - Report and Proposal Writing
Math 307 - Matrices and Linear Algebra
Mteor 342 - Atmospheric Physics II
Mteor 404 - Global Change
Mteor 443 - Dynamic Meteorology I
Fall 2011
Mteor 404 - Global Change
Mteor 411 - Synoptic Meteorology
Mteor 452 - Climate Modeling
Mteor 454 – Synoptic Meteorology II
Mteor 499 - Senior Research
Relig 210 - Religion in America
Spring 2012
Mteor 407 - Mesoscale Meteorology
Mteor 417 - Mesoscale Forecasting Lab
Mteor 432 - Meteorological Instrumentation and Measurement
Mteor 471 - History of Modern Meteorology
Phil 485 - Philosophy of Physics
Fall 2012
Mteor 490 (Retake)
Received Bachelor’s of Science Degree