Research and Projects
Personal Weather Station
Link to my personal weather station (on
I have a Davis Weather Station set up in my backyard. A raspberry Pi running Raspbian has weewx running on it. Weewx is a free, open source program for capturing and storing personal weather staion data. It automaticlly uploads to
Vaisala C51 Celiometer The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality installed a Vaislasa Ceilometer in Henrico county, Virginia as part of the PAMS (Photochemical Assement Monitoring Sites) network. The BL-View software provided by Vaisala is great, but does have some shortcoomings. For one, the software will not start automatically if the computer has crashed or powered down. Also, the snapshot it gives is only the previous 24-hours. So, I decided to custimze the image. I used python along with the matplotlib, netCDF4, datetime, and email libraries to create my own image and send it as an email to the DEQ air quality forecasters. See below for an example:
Air Sensors
Air sensors, as they have become to be known, are low-cost devices to measure (or estimate) air pollution that are becoming more widespread. Usually, air sensors don’t have the accuracy or certainly that the ‘federal reference monitors’ have, but have the advantage of being significantly lower cost . At DEQ, we collaborated with NASA-Langley to co-locate some of their sensors with our reference air monitors. Here is some analysis that showed that for PM2.5 on the purple air, a simple linear correction might be possible to correct the PM2.5 to match the reference values:
Purple Air Compairison and regression
PM2.5 raw data
PM2.5 with correction