Cy's Eyes on the Skies

Cy's Eyes on the Skies is Iowa State's local weather show ran by meteorology students. If you plan on going into broadcast this is the place for you. The only way at getting good at speaking in front of a camera, interacting with a green screen, running graphics, and speaking on the fly is by practicing it and Cy's Eyes gives you the opportunity to do this two times a week throughout most of each semester.

Four people go on air each person with their own segment: Host, Weather in the News, National Weather, and Iowa Weather. Each person prepares their graphics in the maproom back at Agronomy hall before each show. The show will last for about 20 minutes.

If being on air is not for you that's fine! Our back crew could use your help. Our show is all student ran which includes all the backstage jobs. Jobs include running a camera, working sound, running commercials, director, and name key. If it wasn't for these guys we would not have a show.

We are very fortuante to have our very own studio, along with a greenscreen and graphics system. It would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity to get involved. Most every broadcaster that was on Cy's Eyes got the job way quicker and easier than those who were not on the show

Watch live video from Cy's Eyes on the Skies on

Video of Previous Shows from 2009

April 6th, 2009

April 8th, 2009