Welcome to our Global Change Web Site

Click here for more information on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Kyoto, Japan.

We appreciate your visit to our site, and we want to help make your visit productive and time efficient, so we have designed specialized information to help meet the diverse global-change needs of our guests. Our goal is to become one-stop-shopping for information relating to global change instruction. We want to be of help to you as a:

Welcome in RealAudio!

Teaching with the Internet (Includes student comments about the course).

Survey Responses and Results

Global Change server access statistics

Archive of past courses with information on course schedule, student assignments, alumni list, and survey responses.

Be sure to check out our new Portuguese translation for the Global Change Course: Curso de Mudanças Globais. This is the beginning of a new language feature the Global Change Team will implement to make the course easy to use worldwide!!!
Please note this version of the course is still under construction...