Teaching with the Internet
What is a portfolio?
Student Surveys
We have asked students in the Spring 1995, Spring 1996, Spring
1997, and Spring 1998 Global Change
Courses to complete a questionnaire about their experiences with the
course. Their responses might be of interest to other instructors
contemplating using this platform of instruction. We have compiled all their reponses to learn from any trends in student attitudes. In addition, we have
available World-Wide Web access
Publications, conferences and seminars.
All material is subject to copyright laws. For permission information, contact gcp@iastate.edu
- Takle, E. S., M. R. Taber, and D. Fils, 2000: An interdisciplinary
internet course on Global Change for present and future decision-makers,
264-268. In A. Van der Beken, M. Mihailescu, P. Hubert, and J. Bogardi, 2000:
Proceedings of the Learning Society and the Water Environment. European Commission Press, Luxembourg. 512 pp.
- Sorensen, E. K., E. S. Takle, M. R. Taber, and D. Fils, 2000:
Structuring the Past,
Present, and Future Through Virtual Portfolios. In
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, and B. Fibiger, Eds.: Network for learning interactive
multimedia. Vol. 1: Learning in Virtual Environments. Forlaget Samfundslitteratur.
- Takle, E. S., E. K. Sorensen, M. R. Taber, and D. Fils, 2001: Virtual portfolios:Lessons
learned from 4 years of implementation. Seventh World Conference on
Computers in Education: Networking the Learner. Copenhagen. (Accepted for publication as a book chapter by Kluwer in 2002).
- Sorensen, E. K., and E. S. Takle, 2001a: Impacts
of putting requirements on dialog in CSCL.European Conference on Computer
Supported Collaborative Learning 2001. Maastricht, Netherlands.
- Sorensen, E. K., and E. S. Takle, 2001b:Collaborative knowledge building in Wed-based
learning: Assessing the quality of the dialog.EDMEDIA-2001: World
Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Tampere Finland. {Selected through peer review by the International Program Committee and final blind review by the Conference Program Chairs from over 1100 papers from 60 countries to receive the ED-MEDIA 2001 Best Paper Award.}
- Takle, E. S., E. K. Sorensen, and D. Herzmann, 2002a: Evaluating
current capabilities and future research issues in the use of online course
portfolios. A workshop to be presented at the Conference on Computer Support
for Collaborative Learning 2002. Boulder CO.
- Sorensen, E. K., and E. S. Takle, 2002b: Promoting and diagnosing
collaborative knowledge-building in web-based learning: In search of the
analytical unit. ED-MEDIA-2002: World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Denver CO.
- Takle, E. S., M. R. Taber, and D. Fils, 1999:
An interdisciplinary internet
course on Global Change for present and future decision-makers.
Invited Keynote Preseentation. International Symposium on the Learning
Society and the Water Environment. Paris, 2-4 June 1999.
- Sorensen, E. K., and E. S. Takle, 1999:
Distributed collaborative learning across disciplines and national borders
Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL99), Stanford
University, Dec 12-15. 11 pp. Abstract
- Takle, E. S., 1999: "State of the art" of flexible learning (on/off
campus). Invited presentation at Aalborg University, Denmark.
- Takle, E. S., 1999: A presentation (and demonstration) of Global
Change - a course on environmental issues and global change. Invited
presentation at Aalborg University, Denmark.
- Taber, Michael R., E. S. Takle, and D. Fils, 1998. Global
Change Course Project. Presented at NUMAPS 1998 workshop at the International Institute
for Theoretical and Applied Physics. 16 June 1998.
- Takle, Eugene S., M. R. Taber, and D. Fils, 1998.
Interactive Courseware on Global Change Issues for Universities and Policymakers.
2nd International Conference on
Climate and Water, Espoo, Finland, 17 - 20 August 1998.
- Taber, M. R., D. Yarger, P. Boysen, E. S. Takle, D. R. Fils, 1997.
Technology-Based Teaching. PAGE focus group
presentation, Boulder Colorado, 17 October 1997.
- Taber, M. R., E. S. Takle, and Douglas Fils, 1997:
Presentation for models of effective distance teaching. A satellite
program presenation for Faculty
Development in Distance Education, March 11, 1997, Iowa State Univerisity
- Taber, M. R., E. S. Takle, and Douglas Fils, 1997:
Use of the Internet for Student Self-Managed Learning. Submitted to the Sixth
Symposium on Education, Annual Meeting of the American
Meteorology Society, February 2-7 1997, Long Beach, California. View the presentation.
- Takle, E. S., and M. R. Taber, 1996:
Use of the Web as a Tool for Interactive Learning. Presented at the
WebNet 96 World Conference of the Web Society, October 16-19, 1996, San
Francisco, California.
- Takle, E. S., 1995: Taking the Plunge. Presented at the First Annual
Symposium on Methods and Tools for Improving post-Secondary Education: Network Enhanced Learning:
Vision 2000. Iowa State University, 24 February 1996.
- Takle, E. S., and M. R. Taber, 1995: Teaching on the Internet: Experience
with a Course on Global Change. Ag Bioethics Forum, Vol. 7, No. 1, 6-7.
- Takle, E. S., and M. R. Taber, 1995:
Classroom Teaching with World Wide Web. Seminar presentation at IGCN
Workshop, Iowa State University, Department of Chemistry, June 1995.
- Yarger, D. N., E. S. Takle, M. R. Taber, and D. R. Fils, 1995:
Distance Learning on a Tight Budget. Proceedings Bridging the
Distance: Distance Education Conference and Professional Development Seminar, July 6 - 9, Iowa State University.
Also, An Electronic
Dialog from participants who attended the workshop on The Bridges: Cu-SeeMe and Collage.
Two useful and inexpensive technologies to help achieve distance learning on a tight budget.
- Takle, E. S., and M. R. Taber, 1996:Use of the Internet as a
Platform for a Course on Global Change. Paper Prepared for the Fifth Symposium
on Education, Annual Meeting of the American Meteorology Society, January 28 - February 2, 1996,
Atlanta, Georgia.